Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saddle and Reins

The Original is 20"X28" painted on colored Mi Tentes Pastel Paper in Color Pencil.  The original painting sells for $1400.

The bawl of a steer to a cowboy's ear
Is music of sweetest strain;
And the yelping notes of the grey coyotes
To him are a glad refrain.

And his jolly songs speed him along
As he thinks of the little gal with golden hair
Who is waiting there
At the bars of the home corral.

For a kingly crown in the noisy town
His saddle he wouldn't change
No life so free as the life we see
'Way out on the Yaso range.

The Cowboy's Life
by Jack Thorp

This was my attempt to portray the idyllic cowboy, the way we all envision him to be.  When the painting was all done, I loved the way the shirt came out, with all the folds and wrinkles.  What do you think?

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